Mental Capacity & Power of Attorney

One of the great uncertainties in life is what the future holds. For many of us, this can be unsettling, especially as we enter our twilight years.

Often, we deal with this by planning ahead and preparing ourselves for what may come to pass, but hoping that we live to learn that it was a worry over nothing.

Managing your own affairs, your finances, your money, can become burdensome or difficult. That is especially so for those who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and Dementia, but it is equally true for those free spirits amongst us, who would rather be getting on with the fun stuff.

A Power of Attorney will help you prepare for such uncertainty, by empowering you to nominate family or friends to look after your affairs when you cannot, and make decisions on your behalf if your are unable to make them yourself.

Sometimes, however, it can be too late to make a Power of Attorney and you may find yourself researching how you can help a loved one or friend who has lost mental capacity (or the ability to make decisions for themselves).

We are here to help. Our experience, sympathetic approach and knowledge of this sometimes confusing area of the law, will guide you through the process applicable to your individual cirmcumstances.

We offer a fixed fee for the preparation of Lasting Powers of Attorney, which we know helps.